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Lisp Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of Lisp code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is Lisp Code Generator?

An AI Lisp Code Generator is an online tool that uses generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing to create Lisp code based on what you need. If you often spend hours writing code or fixing problems, this tool can help speed up your work.

The AI works in a simple three-step way:

  1. Input: You share what you want or need for the code. This is where your ideas and project needs come into play.

  2. Processing: The AI looks at your input, understanding your goals and using its trained methods to create the right code structure.

  3. Output: Finally, the tool gives you the Lisp code it generated, ready for you to use or make changes as needed.

How Does Minary’s Lisp Code Generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI Lisp Code Generator works:

Start by looking at the left panel, where you’ll see a box labeled ‘Describe the task in detail.’ This is your chance to explain the coding task you need help with. Being clear and specific here can greatly affect the quality of the output. For example, instead of saying, “Create a function,” you could say, “Create a recursive function that calculates the Fibonacci sequence for a given number.” The clearer your description, the better the AI can assist you.

After you fill out that box, just click the ‘Generate’ button. This is where the magic happens. The generator takes your description and starts creating the right Lisp code based on what you provided. In the right panel, you’ll see the generated code right away. You can easily copy this code by clicking the ‘Copy’ button at the bottom, making it simple to paste into your project.

Also, don’t overlook the feedback options. At the bottom of the generated code, you’ll find buttons to rate if the output met your needs. This feedback is very important, as it helps the AI learn and improve future code generation.

For instance, you might ask the generator, “Write a function that takes a list and returns a new list with all duplicate elements removed.” The more details you provide, the more accurate the result will be. Whether you’re working on a simple task or a complex problem, this tool is designed to make your coding experience easier and more effective.

Examples Of Generated Lisp Code

Create a program that generates a random mathematical expression (using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with two operands and evaluates the result. The program should then ask the user to solve the expression and provide feedback on whether the user’s answer is correct or not.
(defun generate-random-expression ()
(let* ((operators ‘(+ – * /))
(operand1 (random 100))
(operand2 (random 100))
(operator (nth (random (length operators)) operators)))
(format nil “~a ~a ~a” operand1 operator operand2)))

(defun evaluate-expression (expression)
(let ((result (eval (read-from-string expression))))

(defun ask-user-to-solve ()
(let* ((expression (generate-random-expression))
(correct-answer (evaluate-expression expression))
(user-answer (read-from-string (read-line (format nil “Solve this expression: ~a = ” expression)))))
(if (= user-answer correct-answer)
(format t “Correct!~%”)
(format t “Incorrect. The correct answer is ~a.~%” correct-answer))))

(defun main ()
(format t “Do you want to try again? (yes or no): “)
(let ((response (read-line)))
(when (string-equal response “no”)


Write a program that generates a random haiku (a three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable structure) based on user-provided keywords. The program should prompt the user for three keywords and incorporate them creatively into the haiku format.
(defun syllable-count (word)
“Estimate the number of syllables in a word.”
(let ((vowels ‘(“a” “e” “i” “o” “u” “y”)))
(length (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
(some (lambda (v) (string= (substring x 0 1) v)) vowels))
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (c) (not (string= c “”)))
(split-sequence:split-sequence #Space word)))))))

(defun generate-line (keyword syllable-count)
“Generate a line with a specific syllable count using the keyword.”
(let ((words (list
(format nil “Upon the ~a sky” keyword)
(format nil “Whispers of ~a night” keyword)
(format nil “~a dances on breeze” keyword)
(format nil “In the arms of ~a” keyword)
(format nil “Echoes of ~a dream” keyword)
(format nil “The heart of ~a glows” keyword))))
(loop for line in words
while (not (= (syllable-count line) syllable-count))
do (setq line (nth (random (length words)) words))
finally (return line))))

(defun generate-haiku (keyword1 keyword2 keyword3)
“Generate a random haiku incorporating three keywords.”
(let ((line1 (generate-line keyword1 5))
(line2 (generate-line keyword2 7))
(line3 (generate-line keyword3 5)))
(format nil “~A~%~A~%~A” line1 line2 line3)))

(defun prompt-for-keywords ()
“Prompt the user for three keywords.”
(format t “Enter three keywords (separated by spaces): “)
(multiple-value-bind (keywords count)
(if (>= count 3)
(values (nth 0 keywords) (nth 1 keywords) (nth 2 keywords))
(format t “Please enter exactly three keywords.~%”)

(defun haiku-generator ()
“Main function to run the haiku generator.”
(multiple-value-bind (keyword1 keyword2 keyword3)
(let ((haiku (generate-haiku keyword1 keyword2 keyword3)))
(format t “~A” haiku))))


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