Code Generators
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Smalltalk Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of Smalltalk code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is Smalltalk Code Generator?

An AI Smalltalk Code Generator is an online tool that uses generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing to create the code you need quickly. For developers and programmers, this tool makes coding easier, helping to turn ideas into working code, saving both time and effort.

It works through a simple three-step process:

  1. Input: You give the specific needs or prompts that explain what you want the code to do.

  2. Processing: The AI looks at the input using smart methods and data patterns to produce the right code.

  3. Output: The result is a clear code snippet designed to meet your needs, ready for use in your projects.

How Does Minary’s Smalltalk Code Generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI Smalltalk Code Generator works. You start by filling out the ‘Describe the task in detail’ box on the left side of your screen. Here, you explain what you want the code to do. The more details you provide, the better the AI can create a solution for you.

Once you’ve entered your task description, click the ‘Generate’ button. The AI reads your input and quickly creates the Smalltalk code on the right side of the screen. This quick coding is not just useful; it helps you see your project’s ideas in code form.

If you find the generated code helpful or have suggestions for changes, you can give feedback using the voting buttons below the code. Your feedback is important for improving the AI’s skills as it learns from user interactions.

For example, if your task is to “Create a Smalltalk method for calculating the factorial of a number,” the generator will give you the right Smalltalk code. If you wanted a simple program to manage a list of books, describe it clearly, and you’ll get the exact functionality you need.

After reviewing the generated code, you can easily copy it by clicking the ‘Copy’ button at the bottom right, making it simple to move it to your project or an IDE you like.

Examples Of Generated Smalltalk Code

Create a program that simulates a simple banking system where a user can create an account, deposit money, withdraw money, and check their balance. The program should maintain a list of accounts, each with a unique ID, and allow multiple users to interact with their accounts concurrently.
Object subclass: BankAccount [
| accountID balance |

BankAccount class >> createAccount: anID [
^ self new initialize: anID

initialize: anID [
accountID := anID.
balance := 0.

deposit: amount [
balance := balance + amount.

withdraw: amount [
(amount <= balance) ifTrue: [ balance := balance - amount ] ifFalse: [ Error new signal: 'Insufficient funds' ]. ] getBalance [ ^ balance ] getID [ ^ accountID ] ] Object subclass: Bank [ | accounts | Bank class >> initialize [
accounts := Dictionary new.

Bank class >> createAccount: anID [
| account |
account := BankAccount createAccount: anID.
accounts at: anID put: account.
^ account

Bank class >> deposit: amount toAccountID: anID [
| account |
account := accounts at: anID ifAbsent: [ ^ Error new signal: ‘Account not found’ ].
account deposit: amount.

Bank class >> withdraw: amount fromAccountID: anID [
| account |
account := accounts at: anID ifAbsent: [ ^ Error new signal: ‘Account not found’ ].
account withdraw: amount.

Bank class >> getBalanceForAccountID: anID [
| account |
account := accounts at: anID ifAbsent: [ ^ Error new signal: ‘Account not found’ ].
^ account getBalance

Bank class >> accountExists: anID [
^ accounts includesKey: anID

“Example usage”
Bank initialize.
| account1 account2 |
account1 := Bank createAccount: 101.
account2 := Bank createAccount: 102.

Bank deposit: 500 toAccountID: 101.
Bank deposit: 300 toAccountID: 102.

Transcript show: ‘Account 101 Balance: ‘, (Bank getBalanceForAccountID: 101) printString; cr.
Transcript show: ‘Account 102 Balance: ‘, (Bank getBalanceForAccountID: 102) printString; cr.

Bank withdraw: 200 fromAccountID: 101.
Transcript show: ‘Account 101 Balance after withdrawal: ‘, (Bank getBalanceForAccountID: 101) printString; cr.

Design a program that simulates a basic banking system where a user can create an account, deposit money, withdraw money, and check their balance. The program should allow users to input their account name and perform transactions while ensuring that the balance never goes negative.
Object subclass: BankAccount [

| accountName balance |

BankAccount class >> createAccount: anAccountName [
^ self new initialize: anAccountName

initialize: anAccountName [
accountName := anAccountName.
balance := 0.

deposit: anAmount [
balance := balance + anAmount.
^ balance

withdraw: anAmount [
(balance – anAmount) < 0 ifTrue: [ Error new: 'Insufficient funds!' raise. ] ifFalse: [ balance := balance - anAmount. ^ balance ]. ] checkBalance [ ^ balance ] accountName [ ^ accountName ] ] Object subclass: BankSystem [ | accounts | initialize [ accounts := OrderedCollection new. ] createAccount: anAccountName [ | account | account := BankAccount createAccount: anAccountName. accounts add: account. ^ account ] getAccount: anAccountName [ ^ accounts detect: [:each | each accountName = anAccountName] ifNone: [nil]. ] performTransaction: anAccountName action: action amount: anAmount [ | account | account := self getAccount: anAccountName. account isNil ifTrue: [^ 'Account not found.']. action = #deposit ifTrue: [ ^ account deposit: anAmount. ] ifFalse: [ action = #withdraw ifTrue: [ ^ account withdraw: anAmount. ] ifFalse: [ ^ 'Invalid action.' ]. ]. ] checkBalance: anAccountName [ | account | account := self getAccount: anAccountName. account isNil ifTrue: [^ 'Account not found.']. ^ account checkBalance. ] ] | bankSystem account | bankSystem := BankSystem new initialize. account := bankSystem createAccount: 'John Doe'. bankSystem performTransaction: 'John Doe' action: #deposit amount: 100. bankSystem.performTransaction: 'John Doe' action: #withdraw amount: 50. Transcript show: 'John Doe balance: ', bankSystem checkBalance: 'John Doe' printString; cr. bankSystem.performTransaction: 'John Doe' action: #withdraw amount: 100. "This will raise an error." ```

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