Code Generators
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Erlang Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of Erlang code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is Erlang Code Generator?

An AI Erlang Code Generator is an online tool that uses generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing to help you create specific pieces of code in the Erlang programming language. This tool can really help developers who often run into coding problems or need quick solutions for repetitive tasks.

The process is easy and follows three simple steps:

  1. Input: You tell the tool what you need for the code.

  2. Processing: The tool takes your input and uses its AI technology to create a code snippet that fits your needs.

  3. Output: Finally, you get the generated Erlang code that matches your requirements, ready for you to use or change as needed.

How Does Minary’s Erlang Code Generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI Erlang Code Generator works. Start by describing your task in detail in the input box on the left side. Be as clear as possible with what you need. For example, instead of saying, “I need a program,” you might say, “I need an Erlang function that processes customer orders and returns the total cost, considering discounts.”

After you’ve written your prompt, just click the “Generate” button. The AI will process your input and create the matching code, which will show up on the right side of the screen. You can check the code, and if you like it, you can easily copy it by clicking the “Copy” button at the bottom.

There is also a feedback option built into the generator. After you look at the code, use the vote buttons to say whether the generated code was helpful or not. This feedback is important because it helps train the AI to get better.

For example, if your task is to create a simple web server in Erlang, your input might be: “Create an Erlang module that implements a basic HTTP server that responds with ‘Hello, World!’ to all requests.” The generator will understand this information, and you’ll see the Erlang code ready for you to use.

Being specific and clear in your instructions will give you the best results. Try different prompts to see how the AI changes and creates outputs that fit your needs.

Examples Of Generated Erlang Code

Design a program that generates a random password composed of letters, numbers, and special characters. The user should specify the desired length of the password, and the program must ensure that the password contains at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character.

-define(LOWERCASE, “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”).
-define(NUMBERS, “0123456789”).
-define(SPECIAL, “!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{};:,.<>?/|~`”).
-define(CHARSET, Uppercase ++ Lowercase ++ Numbers ++ Special).
-define(PASSWORD_LENGTH, 12).

generate_password(Length) when Length >= 8 ->
Uppercase = list_to_binary(math:rand:uniform() rem 26 + 65), % Random uppercase letter
Lowercase = list_to_binary(math:rand:uniform() rem 26 + 97), % Random lowercase letter
Number = list_to_binary(math:rand:uniform() rem 10 + 48), % Random number
Special = list_to_binary(math:rand:uniform() rem 32 + 33), % Random special character
RemainingLength = Length – 4,
RemainingChars = generate_remaining_chars(RemainingLength),
PasswordList = [Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, Special | RemainingChars],
Password = shuffle(PasswordList),

generate_remaining_chars(0) ->
generate_remaining_chars(N) ->
RandomChar = list_to_binary(math:rand:uniform() rem byte_size(?CHARSET) + 1 + 32),
[RandomChar | generate_remaining_chars(N – 1)].

shuffle(List) ->
lists:pluck(1, lists:map(fun (X) -> {math:rand:uniform(), X} end, List)).


Design a program that simulates a basic task management system. It should allow a user to add, remove, and list tasks. Each task should have a title, a description, and a status (pending or completed). Provide functionality to mark tasks as completed.
-export([start/0, add_task/3, remove_task/1, list_tasks/0, complete_task/1]).

-record(task, {id, title, description, status}).

% State will hold the list of tasks
start() ->
initial_tasks = [],
register(task_manager, spawn(fun() -> loop(initial_tasks) end)).

loop(Tasks) ->
{add, Title, Description, Caller} ->
Id = length(Tasks) + 1,
NewTask = #task{id = Id, title = Title, description = Description, status = pending},
NewTasks = [NewTask | Tasks],
Caller ! {ok, NewTask},
{remove, Id, Caller} ->
NewTasks = lists:filter(fun(T) -> =/= Id end, Tasks),
Caller ! ok,
{list, Caller} ->
Caller ! {ok, Tasks},
{complete, Id, Caller} ->
NewTasks = lists:map(fun(T) ->
if =:= Id -> T#task{status = completed}; true -> T
end, Tasks),
Caller ! ok,
stop ->
_Other ->

add_task(Title, Description) ->
self() ! {add, Title, Description, self()},
{ok, Task} -> Task

remove_task(Id) ->
self() ! {remove, Id, self()},
ok -> ok

list_tasks() ->
self() ! {list, self()},
{ok, Tasks} -> Tasks

complete_task(Id) ->
self() ! {complete, Id, self()},
ok -> ok

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