Code Generators
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C Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of C code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is C code generator?

An ai C code generator is an online tool designed to make writing c code easier by using advanced technologies like generative ai, machine learning, and natural language processing. Instead of writing every line of code by hand, you just need to give the tool the information it needs, and it will do the hard work for you, creating accurate and efficient code based on what you provide.

The process is straightforward and has three steps:

  1. Input: You provide the details, which could be anything from a description of what you want the code to do to specific rules or limits.

  2. Processing: The ai understands your input by using machine learning models and natural language processing to change your needs into code.

  3. Output: The tool produces the C code that fits your details, ready for you to use or adjust further.

How Does Minary’s C code generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI C code generator works. It starts by asking you to describe your coding task in detail. You’ll see an input field on the left side of the screen—this is where you can explain what your project needs. The more details you provide, the better the generated code willbe.

For example, instead of just saying “i need a sorting algorithm,” you could explain the type of data you are sorting, if it involves large or small datasets, or any specific challenges. A detailed prompt might say, “generate a quicksort algorithm that sorts an array of 1,000 integers in ascending order.”

After you’ve written your task description, click the “generate” button. The generator willprocess your input and show the relevant C code on the right side of the screen, ready for you to review.

If you like the generated output, you can easily copy the code by clicking the “copy” button at the bottom. This feature makes it quick and easy to add the code to your project.

The platform also has feedback vote buttons. By voting on the quality of the code, you help improve the AI. Your feedback helps the system learn and get better, improving its future outputs.

Examples Of Generated C Code

Write a program that simulates a simple version of a banking system. Allow the user to create an account with a balance of 0 and provide functionalities to deposit money, withdraw money (with a limit on overdraft), and check the balance. Make sure to handle invalid inputs gracefully and inform the user if they attempt to withdraw more than their balance and overdraft limit.

#define OVERDRAFT_LIMIT 100.0

typedef struct {
char name[50];
double balance;
} Account;

void createAccount(Account* account) {
printf(“Enter your name: “);
fgets(account->name, sizeof(account->name), stdin);
account->balance = 0.0;
printf(“Account created successfully. Welcome, %s”, account->name);

void deposit(Account* account) {
double amount;
printf(“Enter amount to deposit: “);
if (scanf(“%lf”, &amount) != 1 || amount <= 0) { printf("Invalid input. Please enter a positive number.n"); while(getchar() != 'n'); // clear invalid input return; } account->balance += amount;
printf(“Successfully deposited %.2f. New balance: %.2fn”, amount, account->balance);

void withdraw(Account* account) {
double amount;
printf(“Enter amount to withdraw: “);
if (scanf(“%lf”, &amount) != 1 || amount <= 0) { printf("Invalid input. Please enter a positive number.n"); while(getchar() != 'n'); // clear invalid input return; } if (amount > account->balance + OVERDRAFT_LIMIT) {
printf(“Withdrawal amount exceeds the balance and overdraft limit.n”);
} else {
account->balance -= amount;
printf(“Successfully withdrew %.2f. New balance: %.2fn”, amount, account->balance);

void checkBalance(Account* account) {
printf(“Account holder: %s”, account->name);
printf(“Current balance: %.2fn”, account->balance);

int main() {
Account account;
int choice;


while (1) {
printf(“nBanking System Menu:n”);
printf(“1. Deposit Moneyn”);
printf(“2. Withdraw Moneyn”);
printf(“3. Check Balancen”);
printf(“4. Exitn”);
printf(“Enter your choice: “);

if (scanf(“%d”, &choice) != 1) {
printf(“Invalid input. Please enter a number between 1 and 4.n”);
while(getchar() != ‘n’); // clear invalid input

switch (choice) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
printf(“Exiting the banking system. Goodbye!n”);
printf(“Invalid choice. Please select a valid option.n”);

return 0;

Write a program that simulates a basic digital clock. The program should display the current time in hours, minutes, and seconds, updating every second. It should also allow the user to set an alarm that triggers a notification when the set time is reached.

void display_time(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) {
printf(“rCurrent Time: %02d:%02d:%02d”, hours, minutes, seconds);

void set_alarm(int *alarm_hours, int *alarm_minutes, int *alarm_seconds) {
printf(“nSet Alarm Time:n”);
printf(“Enter hours (0-23): “);
scanf(“%d”, alarm_hours);
printf(“Enter minutes (0-59): “);
scanf(“%d”, alarm_minutes);
printf(“Enter seconds (0-59): “);
scanf(“%d”, alarm_seconds);

int main() {
int alarm_hours = -1, alarm_minutes = -1, alarm_seconds = -1;
time_t rawtime;

// Set the alarm
set_alarm(&alarm_hours, &alarm_minutes, &alarm_seconds);

while (1) {
// Get current time
struct tm *current_time = localtime(&rawtime);

int hours = current_time->tm_hour;
int minutes = current_time->tm_min;
int seconds = current_time->tm_sec;

// Display time
display_time(hours, minutes, seconds);

// Check for alarm
if (alarm_hours != -1 && alarm_minutes != -1 && alarm_seconds != -1) {
if (hours == alarm_hours && minutes == alarm_minutes && seconds == alarm_seconds) {
printf(“nAlarm! Time’s up!n”);
alarm_hours = alarm_minutes = alarm_seconds = -1; // disable alarm after it rings

// Sleep for 1 second

return 0;

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