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Verilog Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of Verilog code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is Verilog Code Generator?

An AI Verilog Code Generator is an online tool that makes it easier to create Verilog code using generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing. This tool is made to help engineers and developers reduce the boring and mistake-prone parts of coding by offering a faster way to create code.

It works in three simple steps:

  1. Input: You give specific requirements or details about what the generated Verilog code should do.

  2. Processing: The tool looks at your input and uses its AI technology to create code that meets your needs.

  3. Output: Lastly, the tool provides the generated Verilog code, ready for you to use in your projects.

How Does Minary’s Verilog Code Generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI Verilog Code Generator works. You start by explaining your task clearly in the text box on the left side of the interface. Being specific is important; the more details you give, the better the generated code will match your needs.

Once you’ve explained what you need, click the “Generate” button. The generator will analyze your input and turn your detailed prompt into Verilog code. In just a moment, you’ll see the generated code on the right side of the screen. If you like the results, you can easily copy them by clicking the “Copy” button at the bottom.

Feedback is an important part of this process. After looking at the generated code, you can use the feedback vote buttons to say whether the code was helpful. This feedback helps train the AI, allowing it to improve and produce better results over time.

Here are some examples of detailed prompts you might use:
– “Create a Verilog code for a 4-bit binary counter with synchronous reset.”
– “Write Verilog code for a module that implements a 2-to-1 multiplexer.”
– “Generate code for a flip-flop that has a setup time of 1 ns and a hold time of 0.5 ns.”

Examples Of Generated Verilog Code

Design a digital clock that counts time in hours, minutes, and seconds. The clock should be able to be set using push buttons for hours and minutes, and it should display the current time on a 7-segment display. Make sure to include a feature to toggle between 12-hour and 24-hour formats.
module digital_clock (
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire set_hours,
input wire set_minutes,
input wire toggle_format,
output reg [3:0] hours_tens,
output reg [3:0] hours_units,
output reg [3:0] minutes_tens,
output reg [3:0] minutes_units,
output reg [3:0] seconds_tens,
output reg [3:0] seconds_units,
output reg is_12_hour_format

reg [5:0] seconds;
reg [5:0] minutes;
reg [4:0] hours; // Using 5 bits for hours to support 24-hour format
reg [25:0] clk_div; // Clock divider variable
reg clk_en; // Clock enable signal

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
seconds <= 0; minutes <= 0; hours <= 0; clk_div <= 0; is_12_hour_format <= 0; end else begin clk_div <= clk_div + 1; if (clk_div >= 50000000) begin // Assuming a 50MHz clock, adjust for desired timing
clk_div <= 0; seconds <= seconds + 1; if (seconds == 59) begin seconds <= 0; minutes <= minutes + 1; if (minutes == 59) begin minutes <= 0; hours <= hours + 1; if ((is_12_hour_format && hours == 12) || (!is_12_hour_format && hours == 23)) begin hours <= 0; // Reset to 0 for 24-hour format or 1 for 12-hour format end end end end end end always @(posedge set_hours or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin hours <= 0; end else if (is_12_hour_format) begin if (hours == 11) hours <= 0; // cycle back to 0 after hour 11 for 12-hour format else hours <= hours + 1; end else begin if (hours == 23) hours <= 0; // cycle back for 24-hour format else hours <= hours + 1; end end always @(posedge set_minutes or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin minutes <= 0; end else if (minutes == 59) minutes <= 0; // Reset minutes else minutes <= minutes + 1; // Increment minutes end always @(posedge toggle_format or posedge reset) begin if (reset) is_12_hour_format <= 0; // Reset to 24-hour format else is_12_hour_format <= ~is_12_hour_format; // Toggle format end always @(*) begin // Convert time to 7-segment display format seconds_units = seconds % 10; seconds_tens = seconds / 10; minutes_units = minutes % 10; minutes_tens = minutes / 10; if (is_12_hour_format) begin hours_units = hours % 10; hours_tens = hours / 10; if (hours == 0) hours_tens = 4'b0000; // Handle 12-hour display reset end else begin hours_units = hours % 10; hours_tens = hours / 10; end end endmodule ```

Design a digital clock that displays the current time in hours and minutes on a 7-segment display, with functionality to set and adjust the time using two buttons: one for increasing the hour and one for increasing the minute.
module digital_clock (
input wire clk, // 1Hz clock input
input wire reset, // Reset button
input wire hour_inc, // Hour increase button
input wire minute_inc, // Minute increase button
output reg [6:0] seg, // 7-segment display output
output reg [3:0] an // Anode control for 4-digit display

reg [5:0] hour; // 0 to 23 for hour
reg [5:0] minute; // 0 to 59 for minute

// Initialize time
initial begin
hour = 0;
minute = 0;

// Clock divider for 1 Hz from given clk
reg [25:0] clk_div;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
clk_div <= 0; end else begin clk_div <= clk_div + 1; end end // Timekeeper always @(posedge clk_div[25]) begin if (minute == 59) begin minute <= 0; if (hour == 23) begin hour <= 0; end else begin hour <= hour + 1; end end else begin minute <= minute + 1; end end // Time adjustment always @(posedge hour_inc or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin hour <= 0; end else begin hour <= (hour == 23) ? 0 : hour + 1; end end always @(posedge minute_inc or posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin minute <= 0; end else begin minute <= (minute == 59) ? 0 : minute + 1; end end // 7-segment display decoder always @(*) begin case (an) 4'b1110: seg <= hour[3:0]; // display hour (tens) 4'b1101: seg <= hour[5:4]; // display hour (units) 4'b1011: seg <= minute[3:0]; // display minute (tens) 4'b0111: seg <= minute[5:4]; // display minute (units) default: seg <= 7'b0; endcase end // Anode control integer an_index; always @(posedge clk) begin an_index <= an_index + 1; case (an_index) 0: an <= 4'b1110; // Display hour tens 1: an <= 4'b1101; // Display hour units 2: an <= 4'b1011; // Display minute tens 3: an <= 4'b0111; // Display minute units default: an <= 4'b1111; // Turn off display endcase end endmodule ```

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