Code Generators
Code Converters

Scratch Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of Scratch code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is Scratch Code Generator?

An AI Scratch Code Generator is an online tool made to make coding easier for users with different skill levels. Using generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing, it creates code snippets based on what you ask for. This technology helps you save time and effort when solving programming problems.

The process works in three simple steps:

  1. Input: You provide specific needs or keywords about the code you want.

  2. Processing: The tool looks at your input and uses smart methods to create code that matches your request.

  3. Output: You get the generated code, ready to use, without the usual difficulties of coding from the beginning.

How Does Minary’s Scratch Code Generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI Scratch Code Generator works.

Start by typing your task into the field on the left side of the screen. This is your chance to share all the details of what you want to achieve. Be clear and specific to make sure the generator understands your request and can create the most useful code for you. After you enter your description, click the “Generate” button to start.

The generator processes your input and provides the needed code in the right section of the screen. This is where the magic happens—watch as Minary’s AI creates a solution just for you. If you find code that fits your needs, you can easily copy it using the “Copy” button at the bottom of the result box.

After reviewing the code, you can give feedback using the vote buttons. If the code is helpful and fits your task, give it a thumbs up! If it doesn’t, a thumbs down will show areas for improvement. Your feedback helps train the AI to provide even better results in the future.

For example, you might say, “Create a Scratch program that makes a cat sprite move in a square while meowing every second,” or “Generate code to make a character jump over obstacles in a simple platformer.” Each detailed prompt helps Minary’s AI work at its best, ensuring you receive the code that meets your expectations.

Examples Of Generated Scratch Code

Create a program that simulates a mini pet care game where the user can feed, play, and clean their pet. The program should allow the user to choose a pet (like a dog, cat, or fish) and display the pet’s happiness and health levels, which change based on the user’s actions. Make sure to include a way for the user to check their pet’s status at any time!
when green flag clicked
set [pet v] to [none]
set [happiness v] to (50)
set [health v] to (50)
set [status v] to [Choose a pet!]

wait until <(pet) = [none]>
ask [What pet would you like to take care of? (dog/cat/fish)] and wait
set [pet v] to (answer)
if <(pet) = [dog]> then
set [status v] to [You have a dog!]
if <(pet) = [cat]> then
set [status v] to [You have a cat!]
if <(pet) = [fish]> then
set [status v] to [You have a fish!]
set [status v] to [Invalid pet! Choose dog, cat, or fish.]
set [pet v] to [none]

if <(pet) ≠ [none]> then
say (join (join (join (join [Pet: ] (pet)) [ | Happiness: ]) (happiness)) [ | Health: ]) (health)) for (2) secs

ask [What would you like to do? (feed/play/clean/check)] and wait
if <(answer) = [feed]> then
change [happiness v] by (10)
change [health v] by (5)
set [status v] to [You fed your pet!]
if <(answer) = [play]> then
change [happiness v] by (15)
change [health v] by (-5)
set [status v] to [You played with your pet!]
if <(answer) = [clean]> then
change [health v] by (10)
set [status v] to [You cleaned your pet!]
if <(answer) = [check]> then
say (join (join (join (join [Pet: ] (pet)) [ | Happiness: ]) (happiness)) [ | Health: ]) (health)) for (2) secs
set [status v] to [Invalid action! Try again.]

if <(happiness) < (0)> then
set [happiness v] to (0)
say [Your pet is very sad!] for (2) secs
if <(health) < (0)> then
set [health v] to (0)
say [Your pet is not well!] for (2) secs
if <(happiness) > (100)> then
set [happiness v] to (100)
if <(health) > (100)> then
set [health v] to (100)

Create a project where a character dances when the spacebar is pressed, and when the spacebar is pressed again, it stops dancing and displays a message saying “I had fun!”
when green flag clicked
set [dancing v] to [false]
hide variable [dancing v]

when [space v] key pressed
if <(dancing) = [false]> then
set [dancing v] to [true]
repeat until <(dancing) = [false]>
change x by (10) // Move right
wait (0.1) seconds
change x by (-10) // Move left
wait (0.1) seconds
set [dancing v] to [false]
say [I had fun!] for (2) seconds

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