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Fortran Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of Fortran code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is Fortran Code Generator?

An AI Fortran Code Generator is an online tool made to make it easier to create Fortran code using generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing. This platform helps with the problems many people have in coding, removing the need for advanced programming skills while boosting productivity. It makes the coding process smoother, letting you focus more on solving complicated problems instead of just writing code.

The generator works in three simple steps:

  1. Input: You give details about what you need the code to do, explaining your desired features.

  2. Processing: The AI looks at your input and uses its programs to create the right code.

  3. Output: At the end, the tool gives you the generated Fortran code, which you can use right away or adjust as needed.

How Does Minary’s Fortran Code Generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI Fortran Code Generator works. You start by entering a clear description of the task you want the code to perform in the text box on the left. Being specific helps create better code. After you’ve written your prompt, just click the “Generate” button.

After you click generate, the system processes your input and shows the related Fortran code on the right side of the screen. You can easily copy this code by clicking the copy button at the bottom. This makes it simple to use the generated code in your own projects.

You’ll also see feedback buttons next to the generated code. Here, you can quickly let the system know if the code met your expectations. Your feedback helps train the AI, making it better at generating code in the future.

For example, if you want to create a simple program that calculates the area of a rectangle, your prompt might be: “Write a Fortran program that takes the length and width of a rectangle as input and outputs the area.” If you need something more complex, you could say: “Generate a Fortran routine that reads an array of integers, calculates the mean and standard deviation, and outputs the results.”

Examples Of Generated Fortran Code

Create a program that simulates a simple banking system. The program should allow users to create an account with an initial balance, deposit funds, withdraw funds, and check their balance. Ensure that the program handles invalid inputs gracefully (e.g., attempting to withdraw more than the current balance) and allows users to perform multiple transactions until they choose to exit.
program banking_system
implicit none
integer :: choice
real :: balance
logical :: running
character(len=100) :: name

balance = 0.0
running = .true.

print *, “Welcome to the Simple Banking System”
print *, “Please enter your name: ”
read(*, ‘(A)’) name

do while (running)
print *, “Menu:”
print *, “1. Create Account”
print *, “2. Deposit Funds”
print *, “3. Withdraw Funds”
print *, “4. Check Balance”
print *, “5. Exit”
print *, “Enter your choice (1-5): ”
read(*, *) choice

select case (choice)
case (1)
if (balance == 0.0) then
print *, “Account created successfully with an initial balance of $0.00.”
print *, “Account already created. You can deposit or withdraw funds.”
end if

case (2)
if (balance >= 0.0) then
real :: deposit
print *, “Enter amount to deposit: ”
read(*, *) deposit

if (deposit < 0.0) then print *, "Invalid input. Please enter a positive amount." else balance = balance + deposit print *, "Deposited: $", deposit print *, "New balance: $", balance end if end if case (3) if (balance > 0.0) then
real :: withdrawal
print *, “Enter amount to withdraw: ”
read(*, *) withdrawal

if (withdrawal < 0.0) then print *, "Invalid input. Please enter a positive amount." else if (withdrawal > balance) then
print *, “Insufficient funds. Your current balance is $”, balance
balance = balance – withdrawal
print *, “Withdrawn: $”, withdrawal
print *, “New balance: $”, balance
end if
print *, “No funds available for withdrawal.”
end if

case (4)
print *, “Your current balance is: $”, balance

case (5)
print *, “Exiting the banking system. Thank you for using our service!”
running = .false.

case default
print *, “Invalid choice. Please select a valid option (1-5).”
end select
end do
end program banking_system

Create a program that generates the Fibonacci sequence up to a user-defined number of terms and calculates the sum of all the generated Fibonacci numbers. The user should be prompted to input the number of terms they want, and the program must display both the sequence and the sum.
program fibonacci_sequence
implicit none
integer :: n, i
integer, allocatable :: fib(:)
integer :: sum

! Prompt user for the number of terms
print *, ‘Enter the number of terms for the Fibonacci sequence: ‘
read *, n

! Validate user input
if (n <= 0) then print *, 'Please enter a positive integer.' stop end if ! Allocate array for Fibonacci numbers allocate(fib(n)) ! Initialize the first two Fibonacci numbers fib(1) = 0 if (n > 1) fib(2) = 1

! Generate Fibonacci sequence
do i = 3, n
fib(i) = fib(i-1) + fib(i-2)
end do

! Calculate the sum of the Fibonacci numbers
sum = 0
do i = 1, n
sum = sum + fib(i)
end do

! Output the Fibonacci sequence
print *, ‘Fibonacci sequence:’
do i = 1, n
print *, fib(i)
end do

! Output the sum of the Fibonacci numbers
print *, ‘Sum of Fibonacci sequence:’, sum

! Deallocate memory

end program fibonacci_sequence

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