MATLAB Code Generator
What Is MATLAB Code Generator?
An AI MATLAB Code Generator is a modern online tool that uses generative artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing to create specific MATLAB code based on what you need. This generator is designed for people who want quick coding solutions without getting stuck in the details of programming.
The process is simple and follows three clear steps:
- Input: You tell the tool what you want the code to do.
- Processing: The tool looks at your input and creates the related MATLAB code using its AI features.
- Output: You get the finished code, ready to use or customize further.
How Does Minary’s MATLAB Code Generator Work?
After writing your prompt, just click the “Generate” button. The generator processes your input and quickly shows the related MATLAB code on the right side of the screen. You can easily copy the code by clicking the “Copy” button at the bottom, making it simple to transfer into your MATLAB environment.
You can also provide feedback on the generated code using the vote buttons directly below the output. If the code meets your expectations, a quick thumbs-up helps encourage improvement. If it doesn’t work as you hoped, a thumbs-down shows that it needs improvement. This feedback is important; it helps train the AI to keep getting better.
For effective prompts, consider these examples:
1. “Create a MATLAB function that calculates the Fibonacci sequence up to a given number.”
2. “Generate a script that plots a 3D surface graph for the function z = x^2 + y^2.”
3. “Write a code snippet to implement the k-means clustering algorithm on a dataset.”
Each clear prompt helps the generator create relevant and well-suited code for your specific needs.
Examples Of Generated MATLAB Code
function randomMazeSolver()
% Parameters
mazeSize = [21, 21]; % Maze size must be odd numbers
entrance = [1, 2];
exit = [mazeSize(1), mazeSize(2)-1];
% Generate random maze
maze = generateMaze(mazeSize);
% Solve the maze
[path, found] = depthFirstSearch(maze, entrance, exit);
% Display the maze
displayMaze(maze, path, found, entrance, exit);
function maze = generateMaze(size)
% Initialize maze with walls (1s)
maze = ones(size);
% Randomly carve paths
for i = 2:2:size(1)-1
for j = 2:2:size(2)-1
maze(i,j) = 0; % open space
dir = randi([0 3]); % random direction
if dir == 0 && j > 1 % Up
maze(i-1,j) = 0;
elseif dir == 1 && i < size(1)-2 % Down
maze(i+1,j) = 0;
elseif dir == 2 && j < size(2)-2 % Right
maze(i,j+1) = 0;
elseif dir == 3 && j > 1 % Left
maze(i,j-1) = 0;
% Ensure entrance and exit are open
maze(1,2) = 0;
maze(end, end-1) = 0;
function [path, found] = depthFirstSearch(maze, start, goal)
stack = {start}; % Stack for DFS
visited = containers.Map(‘KeyType’, ‘char’, ‘ValueType’, ‘any’);
parent = containers.Map(‘KeyType’, ‘char’, ‘ValueType’, ‘any’);
found = false;
path = [];
while ~isempty(stack)
current = stack{end}; stack(end) = []; % Pop the last element
x = current(1); y = current(2);
if visited.isKey(mat2str(current))
continue; % Already visited
visited(mat2str(current)) = true; % Mark as visited
if all(current == goal)
found = true;
break; % Exit if goal is reached
% Explore neighboring cells (up, down, left, right)
neighbors = [x-1, y; x+1, y; x, y-1; x, y+1];
for i = 1:size(neighbors,1)
n = neighbors(i,:);
if maze(n(1), n(2)) == 0 && ~visited.isKey(mat2str(n))
stack{end+1} = n; % Push to stack
parent(mat2str(n)) = current; % Track parent
if found
% Trace back path from goal to start
while ~isempty(parent)
path(end+1, 🙂 = goal;
goal = parent(mat2str(goal));
if isempty(goal)
path = flipud(path);
function displayMaze(maze, path, found, entrance, exit)
% Create a color mapped image of the maze
mazeImage = 255 * ones(size(maze)); % white background
mazeImage(maze == 1) = 0; % walls (black)
mazeImage(entrance(1), entrance(2)) = 128; % entrance (gray)
mazeImage(exit(1), exit(2)) = 64; % exit (dark gray)
if found
% Mark solution path
for i = 1:size(path, 1)
mazeImage(path(i, 1), path(i, 2)) = 255; % mark path (white)
% Display the maze
imshow(mazeImage, ‘InitialMagnification’, ‘fit’);
title(‘Random Maze with Depth-First Search Solution’);
% Run the maze solver
function generateRandomPassword()
% Prompt for the desired length of the password
passwordLength = input(‘Enter the desired length of the password: ‘);
% Check if the input is valid
if ~isnumeric(passwordLength) || passwordLength <= 0
disp('Please enter a valid positive integer for the password length.');
% Define the character sets
lowerCaseLetters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
digits = '0123456789';
specialCharacters = '!@#$%^&*()_-+=[]{}|;:,.<>?’;
% Combine all characters
allCharacters = [upperCaseLetters, lowerCaseLetters, digits, specialCharacters];
% Ensure the password contains at least one character from each category
password = [
upperCaseLetters(randi(length(upperCaseLetters), 1, 1)), …
lowerCaseLetters(randi(length(lowerCaseLetters), 1, 1)), …
digits(randi(length(digits), 1, 1)), …
specialCharacters(randi(length(specialCharacters), 1, 1))
% Generate the remaining characters randomly
if passwordLength > 4
remainingLength = passwordLength – 4;
password = [password, allCharacters(randi(length(allCharacters), 1, remainingLength))];
% Shuffle the password to ensure randomness
password = password(randperm(length(password)));
% Display the generated password
disp([‘Generated Password: ‘, password]);