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Solidity Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of Solidity code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is Solidity Code Generator?

An AI Solidity Code Generator is an online tool that uses generative AI, machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) to create smart contract code in the Solidity programming language. This tool aims to make the coding process easier for developers, allowing them to launch decentralized applications more quickly while reducing mistakes that often come with manual coding.

The process is simple and has three main steps:

  1. Input: You give the details or needs for the smart contract you want.

  2. Processing: The AI looks at your input and works to create the right code based on your needs.

  3. Output: The generated Solidity code is sent back to you, ready to be used or changed.

How Does Minary’s Solidity Code Generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI Solidity Code Generator works. You start by entering a detailed description of the task you need the code for in the input box on the left side of the interface. Be as specific as possible; for example, you might say, “Create a smart contract for a decentralized voting system where users can submit proposals and vote on them.”

Once you’ve filled in the task description, click the “Generate” button. The generator will quickly process your input, considering different aspects of Solidity programming, and then produce the corresponding code on the right side of the screen.

If you’re happy with the output code, you can easily copy it by clicking the “Copy” button at the bottom of the results area. This allows you to integrate it smoothly into your development environment without any hassle.

Additionally, you’ll find feedback vote buttons next to the generated code. Use these to show whether the code met your expectations. Your feedback helps train the AI, improving its accuracy and relevance for future users.

When crafting your prompts, consider examples like:
– “Develop a smart contract for an ERC20 token with minting and burning capabilities.”
– “Write a Solidity contract for a simple crowdfunding platform where users can donate to projects.”

Examples Of Generated Solidity Code

Design a smart contract that allows users to create and manage their own personalized voting campaigns. Each campaign should have a title, description, and options for voting. Implement functionality to cast votes, view current voting results, and ensure that each user can only vote once per campaign. How will you handle the campaign’s lifecycle, including initiation, voting, and closure?
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract VotingCampaign {
struct Campaign {
string title;
string description;
string[] options;
mapping(uint => uint) votes; // votes[i] = number of votes for option i
mapping(address => bool) hasVoted; // tracks if user has voted
uint endTimestamp;
bool isActive;

mapping(uint => Campaign) public campaigns;
uint public campaignsCount;

event CampaignCreated(uint campaignId, string title, string description, string[] options, uint endTimestamp);
event Voted(uint campaignId, uint optionIndex, address voter);
event CampaignClosed(uint campaignId);

modifier onlyActiveCampaign(uint campaignId) {
require(campaigns[campaignId].isActive, “Campaign is not active”);
require(block.timestamp < campaigns[campaignId].endTimestamp, "Campaign has ended"); _; } modifier onlyCampaignOwner(uint campaignId) { require(campaigns[campaignId].isActive, "Campaign is not active"); require(block.timestamp >= campaigns[campaignId].endTimestamp, “Campaign is still active”);

function createCampaign(string memory title, string memory description, string[] memory options, uint duration) public {
require(duration > 0, “Duration must be greater than 0”);

Campaign storage newCampaign = campaigns[campaignsCount];
newCampaign.title = title;
newCampaign.description = description;
newCampaign.options = options;
newCampaign.endTimestamp = block.timestamp + duration;
newCampaign.isActive = true;

emit CampaignCreated(campaignsCount, title, description, options, newCampaign.endTimestamp);

function castVote(uint campaignId, uint optionIndex) public onlyActiveCampaign(campaignId) {
Campaign storage campaign = campaigns[campaignId];

require(!campaign.hasVoted[msg.sender], “You have already voted in this campaign”);
require(optionIndex < campaign.options.length, "Invalid option"); campaign.votes[optionIndex]++; campaign.hasVoted[msg.sender] = true; emit Voted(campaignId, optionIndex, msg.sender); } function getResults(uint campaignId) public view returns (string[] memory, uint[] memory) { Campaign storage campaign = campaigns[campaignId]; require(!campaign.isActive || block.timestamp >= campaign.endTimestamp, “Campaign is still active”);

uint[] memory results = new uint[](campaign.options.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < campaign.options.length; i++) { results[i] = campaign.votes[i]; } return (campaign.options, results); } function closeCampaign(uint campaignId) public onlyCampaignOwner(campaignId) { Campaign storage campaign = campaigns[campaignId]; campaign.isActive = false; emit CampaignClosed(campaignId); } } ```

Develop a smart contract that allows users to register their favorite colors. The contract should provide a function to add a color associated with the user’s address and another function to retrieve the color associated with a user’s address. Additionally, ensure that the contract emits an event whenever a new color is registered.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract FavoriteColor {
// Event that is emitted when a new color is registered
event ColorRegistered(address indexed user, string color);

// Mapping from user addresses to their favorite colors
mapping(address => string) private colors;

// Function to register a favorite color for the sender
function registerColor(string calldata _color) external {
colors[msg.sender] = _color;
emit ColorRegistered(msg.sender, _color);

// Function to retrieve a user’s favorite color
function getColor(address _user) external view returns (string memory) {
return colors[_user];

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