Code Generators
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Elixir Code Generator

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Generate hundreds of lines of Elixir code with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

What Is Elixir Code Generator?

An AI Elixir Code Generator is an advanced online tool that uses generative AI, machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) to create code snippets based on what you need. This cuts out a lot of the boring work that comes with traditional coding, helping developers who want to work efficiently and accurately on their projects.

The process is simple and has three main steps:

  1. Input: You tell the tool what specific requirements you have for the code you need.

  2. Processing: The AI understands your input, figuring out the context and generating the necessary code on the spot.

  3. Output: The tool provides you with the finished code, ready to be used in your project.

How Does Minary’s Elixir Code Generator Work?

Here’s how Minary’s AI Elixir Code Generator works. It starts when you describe your coding task in detail. On the left side of the screen, there’s a box where you can provide a clear and complete description of what you need.

After you’ve entered your details, click the “Generate” button. This tells the generator to process your input and create the related code. The code will show up on the right side of the screen, ready for you to check. You can easily copy it by clicking the “Copy” button at the bottom.

You can also give feedback using the voting buttons. Just let the system know if the generated code met your needs. Your feedback is important for improving the AI, helping it get better and provide more useful results over time.

Here are some examples of prompts you can use for your task description:

1. “Generate a function in Elixir that takes a list of integers and returns them sorted in ascending order.”
2. “Create a basic web server in Elixir that listens for HTTP requests and responds with ‘Hello, World!’”
3. “Write an Elixir module for handling user authentication, including functions for login, logout, and password reset.”

By providing detailed prompts, you help the generator create specific and effective code for your needs. Whether you’re an experienced developer or new to coding, Minary’s generator is a helpful tool for your projects.

Examples Of Generated Elixir Code

Write a program that simulates a simple banking system which allows users to create an account, deposit money, withdraw money, and check their balance. Ensure that the account can only be created with an initial balance greater than zero, and that withdrawals cannot exceed the available balance. The program should provide a menu for users to choose what action they want to perform.
defmodule BankingSystem do
defstruct account_number: nil, balance: 0.0

def start do
IO.puts(“Welcome to the Simple Banking System!”)

def main_menu do
IO.puts(“nPlease choose an option:”)
IO.puts(“1. Create Account”)
IO.puts(“2. Deposit Money”)
IO.puts(“3. Withdraw Money”)
IO.puts(“4. Check Balance”)
IO.puts(“5. Exit”)

case IO.gets(“Enter your choice: “) |> String.trim() do
“1” -> create_account()
“2” -> deposit_money()
“3” -> withdraw_money()
“4” -> check_balance()
“5” -> exit_system()
_ ->
IO.puts(“Invalid option. Please try again.”)

def create_account do
initial_balance = get_positive_balance()
account_number = :erlang.unique_integer([:positive])

account = %BankingSystem{account_number: account_number, balance: initial_balance}

IO.puts(“Account created successfully! Account Number: #{account.account_number}, Initial Balance: $#{account.balance}”)

def deposit_money do
account = fetch_account()
amount = get_positive_amount(“Enter the amount to deposit: “)

updated_balance = account.balance + amount
IO.puts(“Deposited $#{amount}. New Balance: $#{updated_balance}”)

def withdraw_money do
account = fetch_account()
amount = get_positive_amount(“Enter the amount to withdraw: “)

if amount > account.balance do
IO.puts(“Withdrawal amount exceeds the available balance.”)
updated_balance = account.balance – amount
IO.puts(“Withdrew $#{amount}. New Balance: $#{updated_balance}”)

def check_balance do
account = fetch_account()
IO.puts(“Your current balance is: $#{account.balance}”)

defp fetch_account do
account_number = IO.gets(“Enter your Account Number: “) |> String.trim() |> String.to_integer()
# Assuming we have a way to retrieve the account based on the account number
# Placeholder for demonstration purposes
%BankingSystem{account_number: account_number, balance: 1000.0} # Example account

defp get_positive_balance do
amount = IO.gets(“Enter initial balance (must be greater than zero): “) |> String.trim() |> String.to_float()

if amount > 0 do
IO.puts(“Invalid amount. Please enter a value greater than zero.”)

defp get_positive_amount(prompt) do
amount = IO.gets(prompt) |> String.trim() |> String.to_float()

if amount > 0 do
IO.puts(“Invalid amount. Please enter a positive value.”)

defp exit_system do
IO.puts(“Thank you for using the Simple Banking System. Goodbye!”)


Write a program that generates a random password consisting of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. The user should be able to specify the desired length of the password. Make sure to provide feedback on the strength of the generated password based on its complexity.
defmodule PasswordGenerator do
@lowercase Enum.to_list(?a..?z) |> List.to_string()
@uppercase Enum.to_list(?A..?Z) |> List.to_string()
@numbers Enum.to_list(?0..?9) |> List.to_string()
@special_chars “!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|;:,.<>/?”

def generate_password(length) when length < 4 do {:error, "Password length should be at least 4 characters."} end def generate_password(length) do password_chars = @lowercase <> @uppercase <> @numbers <> @special_chars
password = for _ <- 1..length, do: random_char(password_chars) |>
password = Enum.join(password)
strength = evaluate_strength(password)

{password, strength}

defp random_char(chars) do
|> String.graphemes()
|> Enum.random()

defp evaluate_strength(password) do
has_upper = String.match?(password, ~r/[A-Z]/)
has_lower = String.match?(password, ~r/[a-z]/)
has_number = String.match?(password, ~r/[0-9]/)
has_special = String.match?(password, ~r/[!@#$%^&*()[]{};’:”\|,.<>/?]/)

case {has_upper, has_lower, has_number, has_special} do
{true, true, true, true} -> “Strong”
{true, true, true, false} -> “Medium”
{true, true, false, false} -> “Weak”
_ -> “Very Weak”

# Example usage
length = 12
{password, strength} = PasswordGenerator.generate_password(length)
IO.puts(“Generated Password: #{password}”)
IO.puts(“Password Strength: #{strength}”)

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