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Ada To D Converter

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Convert hundreds of lines of Ada code into D with one click. Completely free, no sign up required.

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What Is Ada To D Converter?

An Ada To D converter is an online Tool that transforms code written in the Ada programming language inTo D. It utilizes generative AI, machine learning, natural language processing, and other advanced technologies To facilitate this conversion seamlessly. The process involves three main steps:

  1. Input: You begin by submitting the Ada code you wish To convert. This can include functions, data structures, and other elements of the code that you need To translate, ensuring a complete conversion.
  2. Processing: The Tool analyzes the submitted code using AI techniques. It breaks down the Ada syntax and semantics, mapping them accurately To their D counterparts while considering how each element functions within its respective language.
  3. Output: Finally, you receive the transformed code in D. This output is structured To maintain the original logic and functionality of the Ada code, ensuring it is ready for integration inTo your projects.

How Is Ada Different From D?

Ada is a high-level programming language known for its structured approach and strong type system, which helps prevent many errors before the program even runs. This focus on strong typing means Ada is particularly well-suited for industries like aerospace and military, where safety and reliability are paramount. The language supports modular programming and built-in concurrency, allowing developers to work on complex systems effectively without compromising quality. In contrast, D offers a more flexible syntax designed with productivity in mind. It incorporates powerful features such as garbage collection and meta-programming, making it appealing for a broader range of applications.

To delve deeper into the unique characteristics of Ada and D, here are some key differences:

  • Ada’s robust type system is designed to catch potential errors at the compile stage, which helps in creating safer applications overall.
  • In contrast, D enables various programming styles, including both imperative and functional approaches, offering developers more choices when structuring their code.
  • Ada facilitates built-in support for concurrency, allowing multiple operations to occur simultaneously without additional complexity, while D relies on external libraries to manage concurrent processes.
  • D’s garbage collection feature enhances memory management by automatically reclaiming unused memory, whereas Ada requires more manual handling, offering limited garbage collection options.
  • While Ada is predominantly employed in safety-critical environments, D is designed for general-purpose use, emphasizing simplification and speed of development.
Feature Ada D
Type System Strongly Typed Flexibly Typed
Memory Management Manual with limited garbage collection Garbage Collected
Concurrency Built-in Support Library-Based
Paradigms Mostly Imperative Multi-Paradigm
Usage Safety-Critical Systems General Purpose

How Does Minary’s Ada To D Converter Work?

Minary’s AI-powered Ada To D converter functions seamlessly to transform your descriptive task inputs into executable code. You start by entering a detailed description of the task you need the code for in the left-hand details box. This could be anything from creating a specific algorithm to formatting data or automating a process. The clearer and more precise you are in your task description, the better the generated code will fit your needs.

After you’ve filled in the details, simply hit the generate button. This triggers the intelligent processing mechanism behind the Ada To D converter, which analyzes your input and swiftly produces the corresponding code on the right side of the interface. You can easily copy the code using the dedicated copy button at the bottom of the results area, making it convenient for direct use in your projects.

To foster continuous improvement of the AI, it’s also important to leave feedback on the generated code. You’ll find feedback vote buttons that let you rate the code. Your input helps train the AI further, enhancing its accuracy and efficiency over time.

For example, if you need to generate a simple function that sorts a list of numbers, you might describe the task like this: “Create a function that takes a list of integers and returns the list sorted in ascending order.” After clicking generate, the Ada To D converter would yield something like:

def sort_numbers(num_list): return sorted(num_list)

With this clear approach, you can effectively utilize the Ada To D converter to streamline your coding needs.

Examples Of Converted Code From Ada To D

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

procedure Banking_System is
type Account is record
Balance : Integer := 0;
end record;

procedure Deposit(Account : in out Account; Amount : Integer) is
if Amount > 0 then
Account.Balance := Account.Balance + Amount;
Put_Line(“Deposit successful.”);
Put_Line(“Deposit amount must be positive.”);
end if;
end Deposit;

procedure Withdraw(Account : in out Account; Amount : Integer) is
if Amount > 0 and then Amount <= Account.Balance then Account.Balance := Account.Balance - Amount; Put_Line("Withdrawal successful."); else Put_Line("Withdrawal amount must be positive and cannot exceed the current balance."); end if; end Withdraw; function Get_Balance(Account : Account) return Integer is begin return Account.Balance; end Get_Balance; Current_Account : Account; Amount : Integer; Choice : Integer; begin loop Put_Line("Simple Banking System"); Put_Line("1. Deposit"); Put_Line("2. Withdraw"); Put_Line("3. Check Balance"); Put_Line("4. Exit"); Put("Enter your choice: "); Get(Choice); case Choice is when 1 =>
Put(“Enter amount to deposit: “);
Deposit(Current_Account, Amount);
when 2 =>
Put(“Enter amount to withdraw: “);
Withdraw(Current_Account, Amount);
when 3 =>
Put_Line(“Current Balance: ” & Integer’Image(Get_Balance(Current_Account)));
when 4 =>
when others =>
Put_Line(“Invalid choice! Please try again.”);
end case;
end loop;
end Banking_System;

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import std.string;

struct Account {
int balance = 0;

void deposit(ref Account account, int amount) {
account.balance += amount;
writeln(“Deposited: “, amount);

void withdraw(ref Account account, int amount) {
if (amount <= account.balance) { account.balance -= amount; writeln("Withdrawn: ", amount); } else { writeln("Insufficient funds for withdrawal."); } } void displayBalance(const Account account) { writeln("Current Balance: ", account.balance); } void main() { Account userAccount; int amount; int choice; while (true) { writeln("Welcome to the Simple Banking System!"); writeln("1. Deposit"); writeln("2. Withdraw"); writeln("3. Exit"); write("Enter your choice: "); choice = stdin.readln().to!int; switch (choice) { case 1: write("Enter amount to deposit: "); amount = stdin.readln().to!int; deposit(userAccount, amount); displayBalance(userAccount); case 2: write("Enter amount to withdraw: "); amount = stdin.readln().to!int; withdraw(userAccount, amount); displayBalance(userAccount); case 3: writeln("Exiting the banking system."); return; default: writeln("Invalid choice. Please try again."); } } }

with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Simple_Banking_System is

type Account is record
Account_Number : Positive;
Balance : Float;
Name : String(1..50);
Current_Length : Natural := 0;
end record;

type Account_Array is array (1 .. 100) of Account;
Accounts : Account_Array;
Account_Count : Natural := 0;

procedure Create_Account(Name : String; Account_Num : Positive) is
if Account_Count < 100 then Account_Count := Account_Count + 1; Accounts(Account_Count).Account_Number := Account_Num; Accounts(Account_Count).Balance := 0.0; Accounts(Account_Count).Name := Name; Accounts(Account_Count).Current_Length := Length(Name); Put_Line("Account created successfully!"); else Put_Line("Account limit reached. Cannot create more accounts."); end if; end Create_Account; procedure Deposit(Account_Num : Positive; Amount : Float) is Found : Boolean := False; begin for I in 1 .. Account_Count loop if Accounts(I).Account_Number = Account_Num then Accounts(I).Balance := Accounts(I).Balance + Amount; Put_Line("Successfully deposited: " & Float'Image(Amount)); Found := True; exit; end if; end loop; if not Found then Put_Line("Account not found."); end if; end Deposit; procedure Withdraw(Account_Num : Positive; Amount : Float) is Found : Boolean := False; begin for I in 1 .. Account_Count loop if Accounts(I).Account_Number = Account_Num then if Accounts(I).Balance >= Amount then
Accounts(I).Balance := Accounts(I).Balance – Amount;
Put_Line(“Successfully withdrew: ” & Float’Image(Amount));
Put_Line(“Insufficient balance.”);
end if;
Found := True;
end if;
end loop;
if not Found then
Put_Line(“Account not found.”);
end if;
end Withdraw;

procedure Check_Balance(Account_Num : Positive) is
Found : Boolean := False;
for I in 1 .. Account_Count loop
if Accounts(I).Account_Number = Account_Num then
Put_Line(“Current Balance: ” & Float’Image(Accounts(I).Balance));
Found := True;
end if;
end loop;
if not Found then
Put_Line(“Account not found.”);
end if;
end Check_Balance;

procedure Display_Account_Details(Account_Num : Positive) is
Found : Boolean := False;
for I in 1 .. Account_Count loop
if Accounts(I).Account_Number = Account_Num then
Put_Line(“Account Number: ” & Positive’Image(Accounts(I).Account_Number));
Put_Line(“Account Holder: ” & Accounts(I).Name(1 .. Accounts(I).Current_Length));
Put_Line(“Current Balance: ” & Float’Image(Accounts(I).Balance));
Found := True;
end if;
end loop;
if not Found then
Put_Line(“Account not found.”);
end if;
end Display_Account_Details;

procedure Main is
Choice : Integer;
Account_Num : Positive;
Amount : Float;
Name : String(1..50);
Length : Natural;
Put_Line(“1. Create Account”);
Put_Line(“2. Deposit Money”);
Put_Line(“3. Withdraw Money”);
Put_Line(“4. Check Balance”);
Put_Line(“5. Display Account Details”);
Put_Line(“6. Exit”);
Put(“Choose an option: “);

case Choice is
when 1 =>
Put(“Enter account holder name: “);
Get_Line(Name, Length);
Put(“Enter account number: “);
Create_Account(Name(1..Length), Account_Num);

when 2 =>
Put(“Enter account number: “);
Put(“Enter amount to deposit: “);
Deposit(Account_Num, Amount);

when 3 =>
Put(“Enter account number: “);
Put(“Enter amount to withdraw: “);
Withdraw(Account_Num, Amount);

when 4 =>
Put(“Enter account number: “);

when 5 =>
Put(“Enter account number: “);

when 6 =>
Put_Line(“Exiting the program.”);

when others =>
Put_Line(“Invalid choice. Please try again.”);
end case;
end loop;
end Main;

end Simple_Banking_System;

import std.stdio;

struct Account {
ulong Account_Number;
double Balance;
immutable string Name;
size_t Current_Length;

enum { MAX_ACCOUNTS = 100 }

Account[1..MAX_ACCOUNTS] Accounts;
size_t Account_Count = 0;

void Create_Account(string Name, ulong Account_Num) {
if (Account_Count < MAX_ACCOUNTS) { Account_Count++; Accounts[Account_Count].Account_Number = Account_Num; Accounts[Account_Count].Balance = 0.0; Accounts[Account_Count].Name = Name; Accounts[Account_Count].Current_Length = Name.length; writeln("Account created successfully!"); } else { writeln("Account limit reached. Cannot create more accounts."); } } void Deposit(ulong Account_Num, double Amount) { bool Found = false; foreach (i; 1 .. Account_Count + 1) { if (Accounts[i].Account_Number == Account_Num) { Accounts[i].Balance += Amount; writeln("Successfully deposited: ", Amount); Found = true; break; } } if (!Found) { writeln("Account not found."); } } void Withdraw(ulong Account_Num, double Amount) { bool Found = false; foreach (i; 1 .. Account_Count + 1) { if (Accounts[i].Account_Number == Account_Num) { if (Accounts[i].Balance >= Amount) {
Accounts[i].Balance -= Amount;
writeln(“Successfully withdrew: “, Amount);
} else {
writeln(“Insufficient balance.”);
Found = true;
if (!Found) {
writeln(“Account not found.”);

void Check_Balance(ulong Account_Num) {
bool Found = false;
foreach (i; 1 .. Account_Count + 1) {
if (Accounts[i].Account_Number == Account_Num) {
writeln(“Current Balance: “, Accounts[i].Balance);
Found = true;
if (!Found) {
writeln(“Account not found.”);

void Display_Account_Details(ulong Account_Num) {
bool Found = false;
foreach (i; 1 .. Account_Count + 1) {
if (Accounts[i].Account_Number == Account_Num) {
writeln(“Account Number: “, Accounts[i].Account_Number);
writeln(“Account Holder: “, Accounts[i].Name[0 .. Accounts[i].Current_Length]);
writeln(“Current Balance: “, Accounts[i].Balance);
Found = true;
if (!Found) {
writeln(“Account not found.”);

void Main() {
int Choice;
ulong Account_Num;
double Amount;
string Name;

while (true) {
writeln(“1. Create Account”);
writeln(“2. Deposit Money”);
writeln(“3. Withdraw Money”);
writeln(“4. Check Balance”);
writeln(“5. Display Account Details”);
writeln(“6. Exit”);
write(“Choose an option: “);
Choice = readln().to!int;

switch (Choice) {
case 1:
write(“Enter account holder name: “);
Name = readln().strip();
write(“Enter account number: “);
Account_Num = readln().to!ulong;
Create_Account(Name, Account_Num);
case 2:
write(“Enter account number: “);
Account_Num = readln().to!ulong;
write(“Enter amount to deposit: “);
Amount = readln().to!double;
Deposit(Account_Num, Amount);
case 3:
write(“Enter account number: “);
Account_Num = readln().to!ulong;
write(“Enter amount to withdraw: “);
Amount = readln().to!double;
Withdraw(Account_Num, Amount);
case 4:
write(“Enter account number: “);
Account_Num = readln().to!ulong;
case 5:
write(“Enter account number: “);
Account_Num = readln().to!ulong;
case 6:
writeln(“Exiting the program.”);
writeln(“Invalid choice. Please try again.”);

void main() {

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